Last November 20, 2006 (Monday), some of the members of the Shinjin group gathered at The Peacemakers' Circle office for a working meeting.
Those present were: Toots, Lee C., Orlan, Queen, Babes, and Cielo (Shinjin group candidate).
Queen has been assigned to help out Orlan with the work of organizing the files, records and materials for the regular Mandala-making & Divinity In workshops and the Shinjin meetings.
To honor the birthday of Goi Sensei on this day in a simple way, the group offered 7 Ware Soku Kami Nari & 7 Jinrui Soku Kami Nari Ins, plus 1 WSKN & 1 JSKN In for Toots who's birthday is the 24th November.